Special Education Advocate

Get Expert Support for Your Child's Education: Partner with Dr. Watson

Are you feeling overwhelmed or unsupported at your child’s special education meetings? As a parent, it can be tough to navigate the complex system on your own. That’s where ABC4IEP’s Dr. Watson, a special education advocate, comes in!

Dr. Watson has attended thousands of IEPs, served as a director of special education, and taught at the university level. Now, she’s putting her expertise to work for parents like you. With her by your side, you’ll have the support you need to get the best education services for your child.

Whether you’re attending an IEP meeting, a school meeting, or an expulsion meeting, Dr. Watson is here to help. She’ll join you via video conference and provide expert guidance throughout the process.

Don’t go to these meetings alone. Call ABC4IEP and schedule Dr. Watson to be your special education advocate today. With her help, you can be sure that your child’s needs are being met and their education is on the right track.

Pricing for Special Education Packages and Consultations

Special Education Packages

Flat Rate

Initial/Annual/Tri IEP Meeting


Amendment/Continuation IEP Meeting

(In order to qualify for this pricing, ABC4IEP must have attended the original IEP within 365 days)


Case Study Review 

(This is a review only and does not include attending an IEP meeting)


Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)


The Special Education Packages will include a review of documents (TBD by advocate), phone calls and emails with the parents, and ABC4IEP LLC  representation via VCON at the meeting (Note: Attending an IEP meeting is not part of the Case Study Review). 


Consultation Services

Hourly rate of $140.00 with minimum hours charged

School Meeting

3 hour minimum

Bullying Complaint

5 hour minimum

Expulsion Hearing

6 hour minimum

OCR & State Complaint

5 hour minimum

Regional Center

5 hour minimum

In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS)

5 hour minimum